Sunday 30 December 2018

Day 1 - On the Road

Well the day finally arrived for blast off.  Sunday 30th Jan.  We actually ended up leaving a couple of days later than planned. Just all those last-minute bits and pieces that I never got around to finishing while still at work. Turns out Christopher was even more excited than I bugging me Every day asking are we leaving today Dad.  A great sign!

So we hit The road in a light rain which turned heavier once we hit the freeway. Thankfully the wipers which I had neglected to check actually work faultlessly.  We are aimed in the general direction of Lakes Entrance with Quiddy given the task of finding and booking our first camp site on line.  He did really well and we settled on Woodside beach which is about three hours south east of Melbourne. 

We got a powered sire for $45 just across the road from the beach. The campsite set up went very well. Considering much of our equipment was being used or unpacked for the first time, we were really happy with how it turned out. It only took 20 minutes which I would think with a little practice we will cut in half. Before long we were sitting in the shade enjoying a drink, a box of chicken crimpy and game of chess. And I have broken my 4 game losing streak. The score is now 9 to 7 (to Quiddy).

Bacon sandwiches for dinner and then battened down the hatches as we are in for a storm tonight.  We are in the van listening to the sound of the surf punctuated with regular thunder claps and constant  blanket lightening strikes.  

Great thing about sleeping in a van rather than a tent is you can be pretty confident it’s water proof and won’t blow away !!!!! 

Byron or Bust

......I'm not're crying.....actually, I cant back that up.  I'm crying.  Elvis has left the building!  My two favourite men have just taken off up the road and Scarlett and I are feeling a little forlorn.  So excited for them!  Hang on, whose at the door?  Bloody hell, they are back already!  *forgot the Leatherman. Do I have to do this again?  Must say it's easier the second time!

Byron or Bust!!!!

Friday 28 December 2018

The Build Part Four - Final Preparations

Well the solar panel is all wired in to the two deep cycle batteries.  All the toys, bits and bobs are on board,  including the surfboards, water tank, and footlocker for extra storage.  Installed a fire extinguisher and LED light system.  Quiddy and I took the van out for a quick spin to fill the tank and pump up the tyres.  I then showed Q how to check the oil and water.  He kept  asking me how I knew this stuff.... I had to think for a minute and then remembered that my Dad taught me !!!! All that is left is to choose our first destination, fill the fridge and hit the road.....