Saturday 26 January 2019

Day 27 - The Penultimate day

This morning we woke with a touch of sadness knowing it was probably our last night sleeping in Vanie.  Today was to be an easy 350 km drive down freeway to my sister’s place in Wodonga, where we would spend the night in doors before the final leg home on Saturday.

We went back to the War memorial for a few more hours in the morning and then up to Parli House, and then Mt Ainsle lookout before heading off in the full heat of the day.

A heat wave had hit the Southeastern part of Australia with Wodonga reaching over 44 degrees in the shade.  Our normal 2 x 100 A/C method with all the windows wound down, became  challenging with the air temperature on my right arm scorching. My I-phone even gave up the ghost thee times due to it over heating so our easy run down the freeway became a little more of an ordeal than expected. We tested the limits of Vanie’s fuel reserves and drank every last drop of water we were carrying to stay hydrated. 

I actually contemplated spending the last night sleeping in the Van on my sisters front lawn, but the offer of a bed inside the air conditioned house was too good to refuse, with temps still in the High 30’s late into the evening.

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