Wednesday 2 January 2019

Day 4 - Mallacoota And Q learns to drive !

Found a free campsite last night by a river just outside Marlo.  No facilities at all so we’re totally off grid.  Woke up when light and decided to pack up and leave, not realizing it was only 6.30 ( decided not to wear a watch on the trip - no that’s no me being all philosophical about time,  my band broke literally the day before we left and I didn’t get the chance to replace it).  Any who ... point is we had and early start and only a short 2 hour drive to Mallacoota.  So we followed a sign that said rain forest walk and decide on some early morning bush walking.  Best part was the dirt road leading to the walk was perfect for Quiddy’s first driving lesson.  He was a champ, stalling only once whilst keeping the van in a dirt road lined both sides with huge gum trees. Remember the van is manual so thought Quid did particularly well.  I only took video which I may now have figured out how to upload to the blog so check it out.

Also forgot to mention yesterday that whilst traversing a small ditch in search of our campsite, I managed to get stuck with one rear wheel 6 inches off the ground. We were going nowhere and Quiddy’s useful contribution was to laugh his friggin head off. !!! I was barely out of the van when a young bloke in a Ute pulled up and offered to tow us out of our predicament.  Fortunately a strong push and a bit of rocking  was all that was required.

Back to today.  Got into Mallacoota about 10, secured a nice spot at the foreshore campsite ( with ocean view) and then went to check out all the local surf spots and an old WW2 bunker beside the aerodrome that was used by the air force during the war. Not much happening surfwise so hit the pub for lunch then relaxed at the campsite playing chess and reading.  Score - Quid 10, me 8 and one stalemate.


Unknown said...

Remember to steer! its the little things that stick in our minds.. Looking good guys.

Dani and Nick said...

Thank Horn. Havin a ball.

Mitch said...

You’re a better driver than most people I know...!!

Harry said...

Excellent shirt Nick. It brings out your eyes and distracts from your greying beard