Sunday, 13 January 2019

Days 13 & 14 - Port Macquarie & Coffs Harbour

Sticking to the coast for the last few legs of our trip meant that free camping in national parks was no longer an option. As a result we pre-booked caravan parks at port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour and just outside of Yamba, a place called McLean. Each approximately 2 hours drive a part.

1. Port Macquarie - stayed at the Breakwater holiday park where we skateboarded along the breakwater, relaxed in the pool and had Thai takeaway and pancakes for dinner (Quid had the pancake, I had the Thai)

2. Upon arrival into Coffs we found the Surf beach and had a marathon surf.  Coffs that morning had some of the best surf conditions I have ever seen.  Only a few surfers out and set after set of rolling waves.  I just wished I was a better surfer to take full advantage.  It felt as though my trusty board had lost bouancy over the last few years, making it harder to pick up the waves and then stay on them once up. It then struck me since I last surfed regularly,  I have gotten heavier and slower. May have to get a bigger board or get fitter.  Since I recently bought myself a new short board (6’6), I had better make it the latter !!!!!

Coffs Harbour proved difficult to book accommodation as many of the bigger places like Big 4, insisted on a 7 day minimum stay. We ended up finding the Clog Barn holiday park,  “a slice of Holland downunder”.  Miniature Dutch village, Clog making displays, clog shaped pool (only one in Aus apparently) and a cafe serving traditional Dutch cuisine (smoke and a pancake anyone !).  As Austin powers father, Michael Caine said there are only two things in this world I can’t stand and that is those who are intolerant of other people‘s cultures and the Dutch. But seriously it was fine for a night. 

What struck us most about Coffs Harbour was how empty it seemed. For being the height of summer and a Saturday night, the place was literally deserted. The town center was a ghost town as well as the harbor with many shops and restaurants closed. There was even a fun park on the forshore completely empty except for the carnies . It was like a scene from Zombieland. We ended up heading for the local cinema, Which again was completely empty with us having the cinema to ourselves. We saw how to train your Dragon - the hidden world. Great movie enjoyed the popcorn and then home for a glass of wine at the campsite before off to bed. Quiddy commented more than once that it was eerily quiet. Just one more sleep and then we meet the girls in Byron.

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